VDOT 511 Traffic Video For Third-Party Users

Traffic cameraThe Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) makes its 511 traffic video feeds available to third-parties free of charge for internal use or free distribution to the public (e.g., through the media).  

Video is also available for resale (e.g., by a multi-state video redistributor) for a monthly fee.  

Iteris Inc. has been contracted by VDOT to manage this service with interested third-parties.  

Video is available through an integrated web portal, or various streaming formats via API for integration directly into third-party services.

In order to access the video, a user agreement is required with the organization or company. 

In order to begin the process, send an email with your organization name, contact information, and description of expected use of the video feeds to 511_videosubscription@iteris.com and Iteris will respond with more information and appropriate user agreements.

 NOTE: VDOT cameras are intended to provide real-time traffic information. VDOT does not record traffic camera footage. Footage from the past is not available.

Page last modified: April 6, 2022