U.S. Route 58 Corridor Development Program

Project Description

The Route 58 Corridor Development Program is a construction project that encompasses close to 680 miles and finances planning, environmental and engineering studies, right of way, and construction.

Today, about 370 miles are four lanes or more, compared to 240 miles when the program started. Work began on the east coast and is moving westward.

Project Origination

The Virginia General Assembly established the Route 58 Corridor Development Program in 1989 to enhance economic development potential across this largely rural portion of the state. Travel is being improved on the mostly two-lane, winding and hilly road, and most work is now completed through Henry County.


Route 58 is Virginia's longest roadway, stretching from the Atlantic Ocean to the southwest tip of Virginia. It traverses five Virginia Department of Transportation districts - Hampton Roads, Richmond, Lynchburg, Salem and Bristol.


E-mail: vdotinfo@VirginiaDOT.org

Page last modified: March 25, 2023