Route 121 Pre-Engineering Study (Buchanan County)
Grundy to Virginia/West Virginia state line near Slate, Va.
What's Being Done?
A draft pre-engineering study has been completed for proposed Route 121 (Coalfields Expressway) in Buchanan County between Grundy and the Virginia/West Virginia state line near Slate, Va.
The study considered two primary routes - a northern route and a southern route. In the northern route, there are eight different alternatives. Each alternative has a different estimated cost and challenges to overcome. The southern route is a single alternative.
The next step is finalizing the study, which includes comments gathered from the public. Once VDOT has finalized the study, the Virginia Coalfields Expressway Authority will use the document for further project development and funding requests.
A citizen information meeting will be held for this project:
Monday, December 11, from 4-6 p.m. at Southern Gap Transportation and Logistics Center at 1102 Ovenbird Road, Grundy, Virginia 24614.
The public comment period closes December 21, 2023.
Proposed Route 121 is anticipated to provide a modern, safe and efficient highway through the coalfields region of Southwest Virginia, as well as provide economic benefits to the region. Designated as part of the National Highway System, proposed Route 121 will link Interstates 64 and 77 in West Virginia with Route 23 in Virginia, which links to interstates in Kentucky and Tennessee. Sections of the route also overlap federally-designated Corridor Q: Route 460. Nine of the 14 miles of Corridor Q in Buchanan County are open to traffic, with the remaining five under construction between Route 744 and Grundy.