I-95 Northbound at Exit 126 (Route 1/Massaponax)
I-95, Spotsylvania CountyFinal Report Delivered July 2018
Design and Study
Estimated Cost $20.4 Million
Prepared by: Kimley Horn for STARS
Stephen Haynes, Fredericksburg District Planning Manager
(540) 899-4709
Purpose and Details
The purpose of this study is to identify a proposed improvement at the Route 1 and Interstate 95 interchange that will mitigate existing congestion and safety issues.
The alternatives evaluation will consider improvements to both northbound Route 1 and northbound I-95 at Exit 126.
The goals of the STARS (Strategically Targeted and Affordable Roadway Solutions) Program are to develop comprehensive, innovative transportation improvements to relieve congestion bottlenecks and create projects that improve critical traffic and safety challenges to be programmed in the VDOT Six-Year Improvement Program.
Click here to view a fact sheet on the STARS program.
The purpose of this project is to relieve existing and future traffic congestion in the study area, and improve safety.
This report documents the existing and future conditions, the alternatives analyzed, and the preferred alternative, the planning level cost estimate, and preliminary conceptual design.
This project was conducted in two phases: 1) design concept development to specifically determine if a second northbound Route 1 left-turn lane could be constructed under the I-95 bridge at the northbound I-95 signalized intersection, and 2) traffic analysis to document the future year no-build and build results within the study area, primarily focusing on the Rt. 1 at I-95 ramp signalized intersection.
Final Report
This study and design should be used as a planning tool to achieve the next steps of planning, programming, designing, and constructing the identified safety and operational improvements in the I-95 Northbound at US 1 (Exit 126) study corridor.
Final Report for I-95 Northbound at Exit 126 (Route 1/Massaponax)