Route 58 (Virginia Beach Boulevard) and Kempsville Road Study
City of NorfolkFall 2019
Est Completion Date
Spring 2020
Lengths and Limits
US Route 58 (Virginia Beach Boulevard) corridor from Glenrock Road to George Street but will also include the Kempsville Road/Poplar Hall Drive/Wellville Street intersection (to the south)
Hampton Roads
VDOT Communications
About the Study
This STARS (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) study is assessing potential safety and operational improvements on Route 58 (Virginia Beach Boulevard) and Kempsville Road in the City of Norfolk.
The study area focuses on the Route 58 (Virginia Beach Boulevard) corridor from Glenrock Road to George Street but will also include the Kempsville Road/Poplar Hall Drive/Wellville Street intersection (to the south)
Route 58 (Virginia Beach Boulevard) has a posted speed limit of 45 miles per hour and an average daily traffic of 26,000 to 27,000 vehicles per day. Within the study area, the roadway is generally a four-lane median divided facility with turn lanes at major intersections. Additionally, there is a frontage road that runs parallel to Route 58 on both the north and south side of the roadway.
Kempsville Road (Route 165) has a posted speed limit of 35 miles per hour and an average daily traffic of 19,000 vehicles per day south of the intersection and 11,000 vehicles per day north of the intersection.