Studies: Route 501 Corridor Study, Campbell and Halifax Counties
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The purpose of this study is to determine how to increase safety and improve traffic flow within a 42-mile corridor of Route 501 in Campbell and Halifax Counties through a variety of localized improvements.
Improvement options:
- Passing Zones - legal passing area along a two-lane highway depicted by dashed pavement markings
- Passing Lanes - additional travel lane added in one direction
- Left Turn Lane - additional third lane which allows for storage of a vehicle attempting a left turn. It is normally built within 50 to 100 feet of an intersection
- Right Turn Lane - additional third lane which allows a vehicle making a right turn to slow down and safely maneuver the turn without impacting operations in the main travel lanes
- Wider Shoulders
- Intersection Lighting
- Signage Improvements
- Horizontal Alignment Improvements
- Vertical Alignment Improvements/Improved Sight Distance
The study provided decision makers with improvement options for consideration.
Brian Casto
Phase: Studies
Lat/Long: 37.375985, -79.126612