Studies: Wards Road Corridor STARS Study, Lynchburg
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The stretch of Wards Road (Route 29 Bus) that runs from just north of Route 460 to approximately Candlers Mountain Rd./Sheffield Dr. is identified as a major priority in the STARS (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) program (identified as corridor LY02) with numerous Potential Safety Improvements (PSI) in the top 10 District-wide (ranked 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 8th) and is identified as a Priority 1 location in the VTrans 2019 District Priority Needs with numerous deficiencies.
The corridor faces numerous operational, safety, and multimodal issues that would benefit from further study in the STARS program. It is also one of the final remaining unstudied VTrans Priority 1 locations in the District.
Take the STARS Survey here: STARS - Wards Road - Lynchburg - PublicInput
The objective of the STARS Program is to develop comprehensive, innovative transportation solutions to relieve congestion bottlenecks and solve critical traffic and safety challenges throughout the commonwealth.
Develop innovative, cost-effective solutions
Evaluate potential solutions more thoroughly
Identify potential project risks and costs
Build stakeholder consensus
Improve readiness for project implementation
Major Milestones
The study is currently underway with an estimated completion of Spring, 2024.
Rick Youngblood, GISP
Lat/Long: 37.353034, -79.183516