Centreville Road (Route 28) STARS Safety and Operational Improvements Study
Blooms Quarry Lane to the Fairfax County line in Prince William County
About the Study
This STARS (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) study assessed potential safety and operational improvements along two miles of Centreville Road (Route 28) between Blooms Quarry Lane and the Fairfax County line.
The study’s recommended alternatives were developed in coordination with local partners and public input following two information meetings and online surveys in fall 2019.
The study’s short and long-term alternatives assessed congestion, safety and pedestrian accommodations. Of the options presented in the meetings and surveys, the set of improvements identified to provide the most benefits include:
- Traffic signal timing optimization
- A new median along the corridor to improve safety
- A continuous sidewalk connection between the City of Manassas Park and Fairfax County
- Signalized pedestrian crosswalks at Browns Lane, Spruce Street, Leland Road, and Yorkshire Lane
- Restricted crossing U-Turn (RCUT) intersections at Browns Lane, Maplewood Drive, Leland Road and Orchard Bridge Drive
- A median U-turn (MUT) intersection at Yorkshire Lane
Collectively, these improvements aim to reduce crashes along the corridor by 40-50%, reduce congestion by 15-20% and provide pedestrian accommodations.
The completion of this study sets the stage for proposed improvements that localities can pursue for funding for design and construction, and to consider including in their comprehensive plans. Please note that the study does not set schedules for design or construction.
Route 28 averages 48,000 vehicles a day within the study limits.
Begin Study - July 2019
First Public Information Meeting - September 2019
Second Public Information Meeting - November 2019
Issue Final Report - May 2020
Final Report - May 2020
Final Report, Final Concept from Blooms Quarry Lane to Leland Road, Final Concept from Rugby Road to the Fairfax County line, First Online Survey Results Summary and Second Online Survey Results Summary
Second Public Information Meeting - November 2019 (Ad)
Meeting Materials and Displays:
- Meeting Objectives
- Alternative 1 - Minor Improvements - Blooms Quarry Lane to Leland Road, Alternative 1 - Minor Improvements - Rugby Road to Fairfax County Line
- Alternative 2 - Innovative Intersections - Blooms Quarry Lane to Leland Road, Alternative 2 - Innovative Intersections - Rugby Road to Fairfax County Line
- Alternative 3 - Innovative Intersections with Continuous Median - Blooms Quarry Lane to Leland Road, Alternative 3 - Innovative Intersections with Continuous Median - Rugby Road to Fairfax County Line
- Benefits of Three Alternatives, Additional Alternative Intersections and Next Steps
First Public Information Meeting - September 2019 (Ad)
Meeting Materials and Displays