CULPEPER – The Commonwealth Transportation Board (CTB) is hosting nine meetings across Virginia and is inviting the public to share feedback on transportation projects that have been recommended for funding, as well as other transportation initiatives. Members of the community may participate by attending public meetings or submitting comments online, by email, or by mail.
The Culpeper District meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 2, from 4-6 p.m. at the Culpeper District headquarters of the Virginia Department of Transportation, located at 1601 Orange Road, Culpeper, VA 22701.
The public will have an opportunity to learn and share feedback about the Draft Fiscal Year 2024-2029 Six-Year Improvement Program (SYIP), which allocates public funds to highway, road, bridge, rail, bicycle, pedestrian, public transportation, and transportation demand management projects.
The Draft FY 2024-2029 SYIP identifies projects proposed for inclusion in the final program, which will be before the CTB at its June meeting. All federally eligible projects in the SYIP will be included in the federally required Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) to document how Virginia will obligate its federal funds. The Draft FY 2024-2029 SYIP includes projects recommended for funding in the following programs:
· SMART SCALE, the Board's statewide multimodal transportation prioritization process that provides funding for highway, transit capital, rail capital, transportation demand management, and bike/ped projects.
· State of Good Repair, a program that provides funding for deteriorated pavements and structurally deficient bridges owned or maintained by VDOT and or localities.
· Comments will also be accepted for new projects valued at more than $25 million.