Route 236 (Little River Turnpike) STARS Study
Assessing improvements between I-495 in Fairfax County and I-395 in the City of Alexandria
Please note: The final report is now available.
About the Study
This STARS (Strategically Targeted Affordable Roadway Solutions) study assessed potential operational, safety and accessibility improvements for about four miles of Route 236 (Little River Turnpike) between I-495 in Annandale and I-395 in Alexandria. The final report was published in April 2023.
The study's recommended improvements include:
- Constructing a continuous 10-foot-wide shared-use path on the south side of Route 236
- Filling in sidewalk gaps on the north side
- Widening sidewalks in commercial areas to 10 feet to support bicycles
- Painting shared lane markings for bicycles on service roads
- Upgrading curb ramps
- Converting the following intersections to Restricted Crossing U-Turns: Woodland Road, Little River Shopping Center (Safeway), Carrico Drive, Conwell Drive, Randolph Drive, Minor Lane, Edwards Street, Valley Street, Cherokee Avenue, Seminole Avenue, Chowan Avenue, Brookside Drive and Lincoln Avenue
- Installing Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons at Conwell Drive, Minor Lane, Green Spring Road and Cherokee Avenue
- Putting in a raised median from Backlick Road to John Marr Drive
- Adding dedicated northbound and southbound right-turn lanes on Backlick Road
- Creating a westbound right-turn lane to Brookside Drive
Route 236 averages about 47,000 vehicles a day within the study limits.
Begin Study - March 2021
Virtual Public Involvement - June-July 2021
Virtual Public Information Meeting - May 2022
Final Report/Study Completion - April 2023
Final Report - April 2023
Virtual Public Information Meeting Video, English Presentation, Korean Presentation, Spanish Presentation, News Release, Ad and Meeting Details - May 2022
Virtual Public Involvement English Presentation, Spanish Presentation, Korean Presentation and News Release - June-July 2021