Recently Completed: Richmond - I-95 South Bryan Park Lane Restriping and Ramp Improvements at Arthur Ashe Boulevard
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The purpose of the project is to widen the ramp from I-95 south to Arthur Ashe Boulevard (Route 161) in the City of Richmond for added capacity and improved traffic flow. The ramp will be widened from one to two lanes for added capacity and lanes will be reallocated at the I-95, I-64 merge point to enhance traffic flow.
Once complete, the project will allow more vehicles to access the ramp to Arthur Ashe Boulevard and will enhance capacity and traffic flow.
Scott Chapman
Office: 804-609-5277; Cell: 804-931-2314
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Phase: Recently Completed
UPC: 118581
State ID: 0095-127-680, P101, R201, C501
Lat/Long: 37.577638, -77.465745