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Zone In, Not Out
Zone In, Not Out is a package of resources that can help make school zones safer for all travelers, especially children. The idea for the program was part of an in-person training for Virginia Safe Routes to School local coordinators in the winter 2015. Charged with the task of coming up with a comprehensive approach to school zone safety with branding, messaging, materials, the local SRTS coordinators worked in small groups to develop an outline of the program.
The materials are available for download here on the Virginia SRTS program website. The Zone In, Not Out logo can be customized with a school name. The materials offer both ‘how to’ information and resources for school communities to access for expanded or more in-depth information.
Local Coordinators draft work plans for Zone In, Not Out at the 2015 Winter Training.
What are some of the most common issues in school zones?
- Chaotic or unsupervised arrival and dismissal practices
- Distracted driving
- Distracted walking and bicycling
- Lack of knowledge about the rules of the road
- Speeding
Are there other resources you would like to see? What common issues do you see in school zones where you live? Send us an email at and let us know!
ZINO Logo PNG - Standard image file of ZINO logo. EPS - Logo file with school name text that can be edited in Photoshop or Illustrator.
Press Releases in the Zone Media outreach can bring awareness of SRTS programs and campaigns to the greater community. A press release provides basic information that an organization or media outlet would need if they wanted to write an article or otherwise promote your event. |
Arrival & Dismissal in the Zone Could the arrival and dismissal process at your school benefit from some changes? Use this resource to help achieve the best results! |
Arrival & Dismissal Toolkit The arrival/dismissal toolkit includes a series of worksheets to help you complete a simple, three-step process for observing arrival or dismissal. |
Mapping in the Zone Maps can provide a clear and compelling picture of important SRTS considerations such as where students live, walking and bicycling routes, and opportunities and barriers. This guide explains the basics of making maps, lists some popular map making tools, and showcases a few good map examples. |
Speed Reduction in the Zone Speeding is a serious issue that plays a major role in the risk of serious injury and pedestrian fatality in a crash and prevents more students from walking and bicycling to school. The speed reduction strategies this guide are organized around the 5 E’s to complement, support and reinforce each other for best results. |
Safe Driver Pledge Kit The ZINO Safe Driver Pledge is a form you can distribute to parents and community members to encourage safe driving and improve conditions for walking and biking near your school. This LDL includes ideas to encourage participation, a sample announcement script, pledge forms, a pledge tracking form, and graphics that can be printed as bumper stickers. |
Yard Signs Get the community involved in your ZINO campaign with these eye-catching yard signs. This resource includes print-ready templates and instructions. |