Northern Virginia Projects
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395 Express Lanes Extension in the City of Alexandria and Arlington and Fairfax Counties
Conversion of 395 Express Lanes/Seminary Road Ramp from a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) ramp to a High Occupancy Toll ramp
495 Express Lanes Northern Extension Study in Fairfax County
Environmental analysis to extend the 495 Express Lanes from the Dulles Toll Road to near the American Legion Bridge
95 Express Lanes/Opitz Boulevard Ramp in Prince William County
Constructing a south-facing, reversible ramp between the 95 Express Lanes and an expanded Opitz Boulevard bridge
I-495 Southside Express Lanes Study
Fairfax County and City of Alexandria, Virginia to Prince George's County, Maryland
I-66 Eastbound Widening in Arlington and Fairfax Counties
Adding a travel lane on eastbound I-66 from the Dulles Connector Road to Fairfax Drive (Exit 71)
Route 28 and Dulles Toll Road/Dulles Greenway Study
Safety and operational improvements in the vicinity of the Dulles Toll Road/Dulles Greenway interchange
Transform 66 in Arlington, Fairfax and Prince William Counties
Multimodal improvements along I-66 inside and outside the Beltway
Under Construction
2023 Northern Virginia Paving Program
Interactive map and information on roads scheduled for resurfacing
21st Street North over I-66 Bridge Rehabilitation in Arlington County
Overpass located between the Spout Run Parkway (Exit 72) and Route 29 Rosslyn/Key Bridge (I-66 Eastbound Exit 73) interchanges
Backlick Road and Leesville Boulevard Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
Traffic signal upgrades, new Accessible Pedestrian Signal crossings, curb ramp upgrades and flashing yellow arrows
Boundary Channel Drive at I-395 Interchange Improvements in Arlington County
New bicycle and pedestrian connection from the Mount Vernon Trail to Long Bridge Park
Duke Street over I-395 Bridge Rehabilitation in the City of Alexandria
New westbound shared-use path and wider eastbound sidewalk
Franconia Road and Rose Hill Drive Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
New flashing yellow arrow and signalized crosswalk, and pedestrian signal and curb ramp upgrades
I-66 at Route 28 in Fairfax County
Improvements to Route 28/I-66 interchange and Route 28 corridor as part of the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway Improvements
I-66 Rosslyn Tunnel Rehabilitation in Arlington County
Improvements including upgrading electrical systems and replacing the tunnel lighting system
I-66 Vienna Metro Access Ramp in Fairfax County
Improving access to the Vienna Metro station as part of the Transform 66 Outside the Beltway Improvements
I-95 over Powells Creek Bridge Rehabilitation in Prince William County
Around mile marker 155 between the Dale City Truck-Only Safety Rest Areas and Cardinal Drive
Parking Garage Repairs over I-66 in Arlington County
Between North Stafford Street and North Quincy Street
Route 29 Widening in Fairfax County
Union Mill Road to Buckleys Gate Drive
Route 7 Corridor Improvements in Fairfax County
Widening and other enhancements from Reston Avenue to Jarrett Valley Drive
Route 7/George Washington Boulevard Overpass in Loudoun County
Extending George Washington Boulevard and constructing a new bridge over Route 7
Shirlington Circle South Rotary Bridge Rehabilitation in Arlington County
Part of I-395 Exit 6 interchange
South Abingdon Street over I-395 Bridge Rehabilitation in Arlington County
Overpass located between King Street (Route 7, Exit 5) and Shirlington Circle (Exit 6) interchanges
South Oak Street over Tripps Run Bridge Replacement in the City of Falls Church
Bridge back open to traffic
Spring Street Widening in the Town of Herndon
Road and pedestrian improvements from just west of Herndon Parkway to Fairfax County Parkway
Coming Soon
Fairfax County Parkway and Popes Head Road Interchange
Replacing the traffic signal with grade-separated roundabouts
St Louis Road over Goose Creek Bridge Rehabilitation in Loudoun County
Bridge located between Route 50 and Welbourne Road/Millville Road
In Design
Arlington Boulevard Safety Improvements in Arlington County
Glebe Road to Fillmore Street
Braddock Road Multimodal Improvements in Fairfax County
Humphries Drive to Ravensworth Road
Compton Road Shared-Use Path in Fairfax County
Bull Run Special Events Center Access Road to just south of the I-66 bridge, and just north of the I-66 bridge to a connection with the existing Cub Run Trail
Elden Street Widening and Underground Utilities Duct Bank in the Town of Herndon
Improvements from Monroe Street to Fairfax County Parkway
Fairfax County Parkway Widening North
Nomes Court to Route 29
Fairfax County Parkway Widening South
Route 123 to Nomes Court
Fox Mill Road and Pinecrest Road Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
Permanent traffic signal, new left-turn lanes and pedestrian enhancements
Fraley Boulevard Widening in the Town of Dumfries and Prince William County
Administered by Prince William County
Frontier Drive Extension and Braided Ramps in Fairfax County
Extending Frontier Dr from Franconia-Springfield Parkway to Loisdale Road and improving Franconia-Springfield Parkway interchange ramps
I-95 and Route 123 Interchange Improvements in Prince William County
Ramp and pedestrian enhancements at I-95 Exit 160
I-95 Southbound over Neabsco Creek Bridge Replacement in Prince William County
General purpose lanes bridge between Dale City Car-Only Safety Rest Area South and Cardinal Drive
King Arthur Road over Accotink Creek Bridge Rehabilitation in Fairfax County
Loudoun County Metrorail Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements
Areas of Loudoun Gateway and Ashburn Metro Stations
Newington Road and Cinder Bed Road Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
New traffic signal with accessible pedestrian crossings
North Old Glebe Road over North Glebe Road Bridge Replacement in Arlington County
Wider sidewalk on eastern side of bridge and additional sidewalk on western side
Post Forest Drive and Random Hills Road Shared-Use Paths in Fairfax County
Post Forest Drive from West Ox Road to Random Hills Road, and Random Hills Road from Post Forest Drive to Monument Drive
Richmond Highway Corridor Improvements in Fairfax County
Widening Route 1 and multimodal improvements from Jeff Todd Way to Sherwood Hall Lane
Rolling Road Widening - Phase 2 in Fairfax County
Viola Street to Kenwood Avenue
Route 15 Bypass Interchange at Edwards Ferry Road and Fort Evans Road in the Town of Leesburg
New interchange and bike/ped improvements
Route 28 Innovative Intersections in Prince William County and the City of Manassas Park
Roadway and pedestrian improvements between Manassas Drive and Spruce Street
Route 29 Southbound Shared-Use Paths in Fairfax County
Between O'Day Drive and Stone Road and between Newgate Shopping Center and Trinity Parkway/Machen Road
Route 50 Corridor Improvements in Fairfax and Loudoun Counties
Safety and operational enhancements at several locations between Gum Spring Road and Centreville Road
Route 50 over Goose Creek Bridge Replacement in Fauquier County
Bridge located between the Village of Upperville and Town of Middleburg
Route 7 and Route 9 Eastbound Ramp Extension in Loudoun County
Lengthening the Route 9 to eastbound Route 7 ramp acceleration lane
Sherrow Avenue over Tripps Run Culvert Replacement in the City of Falls Church
Springvale Road over Piney Run Bridge Replacement in Fairfax County
Telegraph Road at Hayfield Road in Fairfax County
Improvements in the area of the Telegraph Road and Hayfield Road intersection
Vienna Metro Station Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements in Fairfax County
Country Creek Road/Virginia Center Boulevard between Sutton Road and the ramp to westbound I-66, and Sutton Road between Blake Lane and Country Creek Road
Village of Lucketts Safety Improvements in Loudoun County
Enhancements along Route 15 from Lucketts Elementary School to Stumptown Road
Walker Road over Piney Run Bridge Replacement in Fairfax County
Bridge located between Park Royal Drive and Walker Mill Road
I-395 Ramp Replacement Bridge Investment Program Grant
I-495 Northbound Limited Access Control Change near Corporate Ridge in Fairfax County
Rollins Drive Safety Measures in Fairfax County
Evaluating options for Rollins Drive at Fort Hunt Road
Route 7 at Culmore Pedestrian Safety Improvements in Fairfax County
Evaluating pedestrian options between Glen Carlyn Road and Glen Forest Drive
Braddock Road and Old Lee Road Safety and Operational Improvements Study
Potential intersection enhancements and realignment of the Braddock Road S-curve in Fairfax County
Centreville Road (Route 28) STARS Safety and Operational Improvements Study
Blooms Quarry Lane to the Fairfax County line in Prince William County
Dale Boulevard/Rippon Boulevard STARS Study in Prince William County
Assessing improvements from Gideon Drive to Blackburn Road
Evaluating Significant Transportation Projects
Evaluating projects that can ease congestion in Northern Virginia
Franconia Road and Commerce Street STARS Study in Fairfax County
Assessing improvements along Franconia Road from Backlick Road to Commerce Street/Loisdale Road, and along Commerce Street from Amherst Avenue to Franconia Road
Glebe Road STARS Study in Arlington County
Assessing improvements from Columbia Pike to I-66
I-395 Shirlington Interchange Improvements Study
Safety and operational enhancements in the City of Alexandria and Arlington County
Interstate 95 Corridor Improvement Plan
Northern Virginia District Project Pipeline Studies
Northern Virginia Park and Ride Assessment
Old Ox Road (Route 606) STARS Study in Loudoun County
Assessing improvements between the Dulles Greenway and Rock Hill Road
Prince William Parkway at Old Bridge Road STARS Safety and Operational Improvements Study
Prince William Parkway between Laurel Hills Drive and Kenwood Drive, and Old Bridge Road between Prince William Parkway and Titania Way
Regional Bike and Trail Network Study Update
Developing a regional trail network plan for Northern Virginia
Richmond Highway (Route 1) Speed Limit Study
Belvoir Road/Meade Road to I-95/I-495 in Fairfax County
Route 1 Multimodal Improvements Study
A study for multimodal connectivity in the vicinity of Crystal City and Pentagon City
Route 234 Business (Sudley Road) STARS Study
Assessing improvements between Battleview Parkway and Godwin Drive in Prince William County
Route 236 (Little River Turnpike) STARS Study
Assessing improvements between I-495 in Fairfax County and I-395 in the City of Alexandria
Route 50 at Manchester Street Safety and Operational Improvements Study
Assessing improvements at the Route 50 and Manchester Street intersection in Arlington County
Route 50 STARS Safety and Operational Improvements Study - Arlington
Glebe Road to Fillmore Street
Route 50 STARS Safety and Operational Improvements Study - Chantilly
Phase 1 - Route 28 to Stringfellow Road; Phase 2 - Chantilly Plaza to Plaza Lane in Fairfax County
Route 50 STARS Safety and Operational Improvements Study - Falls Church
Jaguar Trail to Wilson Boulevard in the Falls Church area of Fairfax County
Route 7 Business (East Market Street) STARS Study
Assessing improvements between Plaza Street and the Route 15 Bypass in the Town of Leesburg
Russell Road at Route 1 STARS Safety and Operational Improvements Study
Enhancements at the Russell Road/Route 1 interchange in Prince William County
Shreve Road Corridor Study
Safety and operational improvements in the Falls Church area of Fairfax County
Town Center Parkway Underpass Study
Studying the extension of Town Center Parkway under the Dulles Toll Road
Woodbridge Area STARS Studies
Assessing interchange improvements at I-95 and Route 123 and two intersections in Prince William County
Recently Completed
Burke Lake Road and Shiplett Boulevard Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
New flashing yellow arrows and signalized crosswalks, and curb ramp upgrades
Columbia Pike and John Marr Drive Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
Upgrades including a new crosswalk across Columbia Pike and accessible pedestrian signals
Columbia Pike and Lacy Boulevard Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
Upgrades including accessible pedestrian signals and flashing yellow arrows
Hunter Mill Road over Colvin Run Bridge Replacement in Fairfax County
New two-lane bridge with median/splitter island located between the Dulles Toll Road and Baron Cameron Avenue
I-395/Route 1 Southbound Exit 8C Bridge Repairs in Arlington County
Bridge carries southbound Route 1 over the 395 Express Lanes, the northbound I-395 general purpose lanes and northbound Route 110
I-95 Southbound Auxiliary Lane in Prince William County
Route 123 to Prince William Parkway
John G. Lewis Memorial Bridge Rehabilitation in Loudoun County
Featherbed Lane historic truss bridge over Catoctin Creek
Piggott Bottom Road over Branch of South Fork Catoctin Creek Bridge Replacement in Loudoun County
Route 29 Northbound Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements in Fairfax County
Constructing missing shared-use path segments between Vaden Drive and Nutley Street
Route 29 Northbound over Cub Run Bridge Rehabilitation in Fairfax County
New connection to the sidewalk just north of the bridge
Route 50 and Waples Mill Road Intersection Improvements in Fairfax County
Adding a second left-turn lane from westbound Route 50 to Waples Mill Road
Tysons/Old Meadow Road Bike/Ped Improvements - Phase 1 in Fairfax County
New shared-use path from Tysons One Place to Provincial Drive via new bridge over I-495